
2 mn read

Chests have developed to be a fundamental part of Floki’s Valhalla. The fancy boxes contain more or less valuable items and Runix that depend on the kind of chest opened. This page contains all information about the existing chests and solves questions like:

  • What chests do exist?
  • How many chests can I get per day?
  • What items are within the chests?
  • How can I get rarer chests and better items?
  • What is the chest drop rate for each Floki Tier?

Chest Overview

Chest % of Daily Chest Allocation Item Value in Runix (*) Items (**)
Vera Chest 44 - 48% >125 Runix

- Runix
- Potions
- Common Amulets
- Crafting Materials

Rough Chest 67 - 76% >195 Runix

- Runix
- Potions
- Common Amulets
- Crafting Materials

Bronze Chest 91 - 100% >275 Runix tba (**)
Silver Chest 100% >385 Runix tba (**)
Gold Chest 100% >525 Runix tba (**)
Diamond Chest 100% >750 Runix tba (**)
Ruby Chest 100% >1'150 Runix tba (**)

(*) -> The description for chests is currently bugged and the team is fixing it. Nevertheless, the values within the table appear to be most reasonable. The values will be updated once the bug has been fixed.

(**) -> The loot received when opening the chests is currently bugged. Some chest give a reasonable amount of items while others give items with too less value. It has also been observed that no loot was received at all. Following that, the loot for higher tiers has not been set as ‘tba’ (to be announced) and will be added once the bug was fixed.

How many chests can I get per day?

There is a fixed amount of chests you can receive every day. Depending on the rarity of the chest, it may happen that you get only one chest or multiple ones. The above column ‘% of Daily Chest Allocation’ provides an overview on how much of the daily allocation is filled when a chest of a specific kind is received. The completion of the daily allocation will be reset at 00:00 UTC. Moreover, it remains to be seen if a higher Floki Tier (staking more Floki on the wallet used for playing Valhalla) is also providing a higher daily allocation of chests. We keep you updated.

What items are within the chests?

This depends on the chest rarity. It has been confirmed that more common chests will provide more crafting materials. A detailed testing could not be made by now since the received loot is bugged – see above comment (**). An overview of expected items will be published once this bug has been fixed. The value of all items received per chest can be found in the above table.

How can I get rarer chests and better items?

Rarer chests are given to accounts that are connected to a wallet with a higher Floki Tier. A higher Floki Tier can be achieved by staking (potentially also holding) a higher amount of $FLOKI with a potential multiplying effect for staking for a longer period. The next patch is expected to bring some more clarity on this.

What is considered “better” depends on current needs. Crafting materials, essential for building ships and other items (details to come), are mostly found in common chests. Rarer chests are expected to contain more premium items (to be revealed). Therefore, while rarer chests may hold more valuable items, what is “better” ultimately depends on the individual’s specific requirements.

What is the chest drop rate for each Floki Tier?

As of the most recent patch on testnet (0.30), all Vikings play in the lowest Floki Tier. Higher Floki Tiers have a higher probability to get rarer & more valuable chests. However, no further details have been announced, yet. We will update this article as soon as more details are published. Moreover, Valhalla Education will publish an overview of the expected drop rate for each chest type at each Floki Tier.

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